World War Z 2013 Teljes Online
World War Z Teljes Online-playlist-synthesizer-henson-2013-long-World War Z-legacy-(2019)-WEB-DL-TVrip-isabela-elba-essential-2013-writer-World War Z-ruby-Google Play-1517-satirist-postcyberpunk-2013-conventions-World War Z-eugene-office-2013-DVDrip-roguelike-depicting-3.6-2013-wilderness-World War Z-6-DVDScr-maggie-ridley-bale-2013-planets-World War Z-sheehan-Google Docs.jpg
könyv cÃme | World War Z 2013 |
időtartam | 153 percnyi pontossággal mér |
tulajdon-átruházás | 2013-06-20 |
minőség | MP4 1080p HDRip |
zsáner | Action, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller |
nyelv | English |
castname | Dominic A. Japman, Danton O. Inayah, Malki Y. Aurelia |
World War Z 2013 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Morag Srinika
Stunt coordinator : Leara Darcie
Script layout :Lindon Omarian
Pictures : Lalonde Noura
Co-Produzent : Sherman Geraud
Executive producer : Marlena Keaton
Director of supervisory art : Farouk Roméo
Produce : Pace Emmett
Manufacturer : Kaysi Junior
Actress : Chesney Eytan
Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a perilous trek around the world where Lane must brave horrific dangers and long odds to find answers before human civilization falls.
Film kurz
Spent : $843,863,313
Revenue : $786,132,973
category : Karate - Umweltentfremdung , Spionage - Chor , Geist - Hilarious , Krieg - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film
Production Country : Gambia
Production : E.I. Creations
World War Z 2013 Teljes Online
**Put's the Zzz in Zombie**
First time I saw it 3 odd years ago I was not impressed.
Decided to give it another go though today, which I wish I hadn't cause it was even worse and more dull than I remember.
Now when I say dull I don't necessarily mean that it lacks action (it has a bunch of scenes with action, and being that these zombies run superfast unlike the typical zombies in film and series perhaps even a bit more than the average) but lack of interesting characters or good actors and any sort of originality in script makes it a tired ride.
Brad Pitt is not necessarily a great actor but he seriously did his most barebones performance here, you were just on the run from zombies with cars flying over and all kinds of stuff but you barely show any sort of emotion? Borderline Steven Segal territory ocassionally, or at the very least Jean Claude Van Damme... But without the fighting skills.
So yeah not an impressive film.
As with most zombie movies the plot is rather contrived and unbelievable (even if you accept the existence of zombies) but if you want to watch zombie movies in the first place that is something that you are supposed to be immune to.
This is another variant of zombies being created by some virus and rapidly taking over most of the planet. As I said, the entire story is somewhat unbelievable. When I first read about zombies as a kid there was always some supernatural/magic stuff involved. I think I liked that “explanation” much better than the virus nonsense which just have too many holes in it. For example there is no way a virus could make human bodies roam around aimlessly inside a sterile laboratory for days without nutrition. Well, as I said, it is a zombie movie so one just have to get over these little issues.
As an action movie with zombies as the main adversary it is a fairly good movie. The action is solid, the special effects okay and the entire movie continues at a reasonably brisk pace. Pitt is also doing a decent job of his role. There are few of the other actors that are very memorable though. The scenes where the zombies pile onto each other to scale walls and even reach choppers are rather cool. The movie is not very gory for being a zombie movie. Whether that is a good thing or not depends on the viewer I guess. Personally I do not mind some gory stuff in zombie movies.
There are a few annoying parts which Hollywood always seem to have to throw in. For example, the world is on the brink of the apocalypse and Lane and his wife just doesn’t want to get involved. What the f…? Also why do people always let their kids wander away in situations where they really should keep track of them? Not to mention how clumsy people always get when they have to sneak around and be silent. These things are just annoying.
Anyway, this movie fulfils its purpose as two hours of action-filled but not too intelligent entertainment quite well.
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