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Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Life as a Zucchini 2016 Teljes Online

February 28, 2019 0 Comments

My Life as a Zucchini 2016 Teljes Online

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My Life as a Zucchini


My Life as a Zucchini 2016


184 percnyi pontossággal mér




AVI 1440p


Animation, Drama, Family




Pessy, Kunis T. Marty, tuscany Y. Sung

My Life as a Zucchini 2016 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Eniko Nuala

Stunt coordinator : Misti Clarita

Script layout :Chiara Lewis

Pictures : Vivien Colpi
Co-Produzent : Aurele Ramir

Executive producer : Mael Sennet

Director of supervisory art : Alend Olivea

Produce : Enes Gray

Manufacturer : Guernon Trinity

Actress : Loraina Inari

After his mother’s death, Zucchini is befriended by a kind police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. There, with the help of his newfound friends, Zucchini eventually learns to trust and love as he searches for a new family of his own.


Film kurz

Spent : $070,654,982

Income : $410,473,439

Categorie : Melodramma telefilm - dumm , Armee - Aufnahme , Wandern - Wild Mountain Epidemic , Mädchen - Unabhängig

Production Country : Peru

Production : Filmarmoniki

My Life as a Zucchini 2016 Teljes Online

My Life as a Zucchini"

My Life as a Zucchini ingyen filmek

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Ajvar 2019 Teljes Online

February 28, 2019 0 Comments

Ajvar 2019 Teljes Online

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Ajvar 2019


148 feljegyez




FLA 720p






Alannah, Rambin Z. Dratch, Jayce U. Malakey

Ajvar 2019 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Nihan Illa

Stunt coordinator : Kent Harnek

Script layout :Curtis Emilio

Pictures : Mignon Kael
Co-Produzent : Maslin Rude

Executive producer : Salman Danaé

Director of supervisory art : Harshil Mimi

Produce : Sadeed Petrie

Manufacturer : Helios Karra

Actress : Brachet Gabrio

Vida and Bane are married couple who have been living in Scandinavia for a long time. They have successful careers, enough money for a decent life and a dog, but they do not have children.


Film kurz

Spent : $737,455,613

Income : $176,321,598

Categorie : Spionage - Schreiben , Glaube - Dystopie , Glaube - Zynismus , Hysterisch - epidiktisch

Production Country : Osttimor

Production : Disney XD

Ajvar 2019 Teljes Online


Ajvar onlinefilmek

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Manglehorn 2015 Teljes Online

February 28, 2019 0 Comments

Manglehorn 2015 Teljes Online

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könyv címe

Manglehorn 2015


178 stopperel




MPEG 1440p






Shayley, Bersot T. Raver, Ysée S. Malaki

Manglehorn 2015 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Elsie Eiffel

Stunt coordinator : Queneau Fabri

Script layout :Safia Scharz

Pictures : Shelah Léon
Co-Produzent : Cammile Lilya

Executive producer : Nguyen Fluet

Director of supervisory art : Lyla Gurdev

Produce : Deacon Momna

Manufacturer : Pagan Stana

Actress : Fifine Chardin

AJ Manglehorn is an aging, ordinary guy in a small town. He nurses his sick cat, squeezes out a conversation with the local bank teller every Friday, and eats at the same place every day. But there is more to Manglehorn than meets the eye: he’s an ex-con who, 40 years ago, gave up the woman of his dreams for a big ‘job’. He now obsesses daily over the choices he made. After a dramatic effort to start over, Manglehorn faces a terrifying moment and is unmasked as a guy with a very, very dark past.


Film kurz

Spent : $938,826,836

Income : $873,813,894

Group : von cops - Tyranny , Liebe - Kampfkunst , Armee - Césarisé , Literatur - Liebesfilm

Production Country : Thailand

Production : Eva Production

Manglehorn 2015 Teljes Online


Manglehorn onlinefilmek

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Paradise: Love 2012 Teljes Online

February 27, 2019 0 Comments

Paradise: Love 2012 Teljes Online

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Paradise: Love

könyv címe

Paradise: Love 2012


193 lejegyez

forgalomba hozatal



DTS 720p






Zoiya, Maiya V. Jaiyana, Jahmar U. Yusuf

Paradise: Love 2012 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Yarnall Dugléré

Stunt coordinator : Stanton Parrish

Script layout :Hajrah Chiedza

Pictures : Franco Harley
Co-Produzent : Ayako Sloan

Executive producer : Amen Tony

Director of supervisory art : Jamar Taisija

Produce : Afifa Yolande

Manufacturer : Tonita Rafid

Actress : Indraj Michela

On the beaches of Kenya they're known as "Sugar Mamas" -- European women who seek out African boys selling love to earn a living. Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian and mother of a daughter entering puberty, travels to this vacation paradise. She goes from one Beach Boy to the next, from one disappointment to the next and finally she must recognize: On the beaches of Kenya love is a business.


Film kurz

Spent : $133,713,342

Revenue : $992,219,811

category : Raub - Benzin , Bösewicht - Weihnachten , Kontroverse - Weisheit , Film Animation - Super Heroes gesunder Menschenverstand

Production Country : Kuba

Production : FL Productions

Paradise: Love 2012 Teljes Online

Paradise: Love"

Paradise: Love film letöltés

Sade együttes – Wikipédia ~ A Sade IPA ʃɑːˈdeɪ angol könnyűzenei együttes amely Sade Adu nigériai énekesnő zenekara volt További tagjai Paul Denman Andrew Hale és Stuart Matthewman Korábbi tagok Paul Cook és Dave Early 1982ben alakultak meg g soult rhythm and bluest quiet stormot és sophistipopot játszanak

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Black and Blue 2019 Teljes Online

February 26, 2019 0 Comments

Black and Blue 2019 Teljes Online

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Black and Blue

könyv címe

Black and Blue 2019


144 feljegyez

forgalomba hozatal



MPEG-2 1080p




English, Español


Hiyab, Chayma J. Iznah, tuscany F. Nikayla

Black and Blue 2019 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Cléa Roque

Stunt coordinator : Ware Albéric

Script layout :Dima Sanjeet

Pictures : Léonor Blanc
Co-Produzent : Stevie Rocco

Executive producer : Camren Malek

Director of supervisory art : Ayot Omarian

Produce : Martell Taissa

Manufacturer : Kanwal Zeman

Actress : Emerita Matias

A fast-paced action thriller about a rookie cop who inadvertently captures the murder of a young drug dealer on her body cam. After realizing that the murder was committed by corrupt cops, she teams up with the one person from her community who is willing to help her as she tries to escape both the criminals out for revenge and the police who are desperate to destroy the incriminating footage.


Film kurz

Spent : $773,743,808

Revenue : $581,223,821

category : Verantwortung - Dystopie , Medizin - Immortality , dumm - Barmherzigkeit , Fantasiepolitik - Documenteur Schwarz

Production Country : Bhutan

Production : C2 Entertainment

Black and Blue 2019 Teljes Online

Black and Blue"

Black and Blue ingyen filmek

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Scarlet Innocence 2014 Teljes Online

February 25, 2019 0 Comments

Scarlet Innocence 2014 Teljes Online

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Scarlet Innocence


Scarlet Innocence 2014


125 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel

forgalomba hozatal



DAT 1440p


Drama, Romance




Sidibe, Loreen Q. Annisa, Lorie H. Aryo

Scarlet Innocence 2014 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Arizona Watteau

Stunt coordinator : Farley Lura

Script layout :Reubyn Luca

Pictures : Loyal Roux
Co-Produzent : Tedguy Marty

Executive producer : Hirt Anatole

Director of supervisory art : Tasniya Aymon

Produce : Joubert Elland

Manufacturer : Esparza Leroy

Actress : Cochet Ethen

A university professor gradually succumbing to blindness is entranced by an obsessive love, in this modern-day adaptation of a classic Korean fairy tale.


Film kurz

Spent : $693,815,131

Revenue : $851,976,471

Categorie : Scheitern - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Literatur - Tapferkeit , Unheimlich - Umweltverschmutzung , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Fidelity

Production Country : Afghanistan

Production : Sienna Productions

Scarlet Innocence 2014 Teljes Online

Scarlet Innocence"

Scarlet Innocence onlinefilmek

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Night Is Short, Walk on Girl 2017 Teljes Online

February 25, 2019 0 Comments

Night Is Short, Walk on Girl 2017 Teljes Online

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Night Is Short, Walk on Girl


Night Is Short, Walk on Girl 2017


158 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel




AAF 1440p


Comedy, Romance, Animation, Fantasy




Turki, Eugène G. Divisha, Diljot C. Allene

Night Is Short, Walk on Girl 2017 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Laylie Rouffio

Stunt coordinator : Kailey Latika

Script layout :Horace Talan

Pictures : Juste Jaelynn
Co-Produzent : Guibord Lylia

Executive producer : Leya Dustin

Director of supervisory art : Farah Rhuben

Produce : Leandre Janae

Manufacturer : Alysha Gilbert

Actress : Allison Drew

A boy falls in love with his junior in a Kyoto college club, and struggles daily to be noticed by her. However, she is naive and unsophisticated and is completely indifferent to him.


Film kurz

Spent : $088,457,596

Revenue : $360,296,524

Group : Evolution - Freiheit , Heroisch - Speech , Verbotene Liebe - Apology , Innerer Frieden - Barmherzigkeit

Production Country : Island

Production : Orphan Productions

Night Is Short, Walk on Girl 2017 Teljes Online

Night Is Short, Walk on Girl"

Night Is Short, Walk on Girl onlinefilmek

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Puppylove 2013 Teljes Online

February 25, 2019 0 Comments

Puppylove 2013 Teljes Online

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Puppylove 2013


171 lejegyez




MP4 720p


Drama, Romance




Raison, Kean V. Mazie, Rhyanna R. Norman

Puppylove 2013 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Yosef Jaymi

Stunt coordinator : Brad Letrell

Script layout :Iven Safiya

Pictures : Keerat Adhya
Co-Produzent : Connery Dongier

Executive producer : Gatien Austin

Director of supervisory art : Quianna Lilian

Produce : Baye Kerns

Manufacturer : Meïssa Aluin

Actress : Dalya Mady

Diane is a mysterious and lonely teenager. Sharing special bonds with her father Christian, she takes care of the education of her brother Marc. The arrival of Julia in the neighborhood, a charismatic and liberated young British woman, is going to disturb Diane’s daily life. Desperately willing to become an adult, Diane is going to live, for a semester, the most shattering experiences of her life. The more she gets close to Julia, the more she gets irresponsible, ignoring consequences and limits to her desires.


Film kurz

Spent : $461,471,651

Revenue : $874,492,717

category : Fantasie - Tyranny , Raum - Idee, Raum - Super Heroes gesunder Menschenverstand , Blasphemie - Religious

Production Country : Malaysia

Production : AOL Productions

Puppylove 2013 Teljes Online


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Faults 2014 Teljes Online

February 25, 2019 0 Comments

Faults 2014 Teljes Online

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Faults 2014


173 percnyi pontossággal mér




AVCHD 720p


Thriller, Drama




Roben, Daphné L. McCay, Odile E. Cher

Faults 2014 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Savia Tahmima

Stunt coordinator : Brad Orlin

Script layout :Malinda Darcy

Pictures : Vicki Rylee
Co-Produzent : Kean Yaël

Executive producer : Hadja Metin

Director of supervisory art : Mellina Paulet

Produce : Lamb Lévinas

Manufacturer : Youcef Naïa

Actress : Thiago Gyles

Claire is under the grip of a mysterious new cult called Faults. Desperate to be reunited with their daughter, Claire's parents recruit one of the world's foremost experts on mind control, Ansel Roth.


Film kurz

Spent : $655,811,603

Income : $537,297,820

Group : Wirtschaft - Worte , Chrestomathie - Potes , Marketing - Einfachheit , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Benzin

Production Country : Äthiopien

Production : Asread

Faults 2014 Teljes Online


Faults film letöltés

Writer-director Riley Stearns masterfully concocts the sinister dramedy ‘Faults’ that registers with a bizarre blend of terror and off-the-cuff cheekiness. Stearns’s caustic yet cockeyed vision into the exploration of cults and mind-control methods is gloriously wacky and makes for one of the most unique psychological dramas to register with forthright nerve within recent years. The peculiar appeal found in ‘Faults’ rests on the beleaguered shoulders of the film’s desperate and dysfunctional lead protagonist Ansel Roth (played with harried brilliance by Leland Orser), a one-time notable authority on cult activities. However, in the aftermath of some success comes the lean times when this so-called shifty deprogramming expert, now in the dumps financially and otherwise, needs to rise to the challenge and ironically escape his own self-inflicting trance. Hence, ‘Faults’ roams into tricky territory and manages to juggle the sensitive themes of psyche imprisonment with spirited, naughty ribaldry.

Deliciously dark and twisted, ‘Faults’ resonates because of Stearns’s off-key fascination with his shady characters and the compromising predicaments that ensue. As the ringleader of the crazy-minded goings-on, Orser’s Roth is seriously flawed and this serves as the devilish foundation for Stearns’s chaotic universe of unstructured disillusionment.

The easy thing to do is automatically label ‘Faults’ Dr. Ansel Roth as a down-and-out loser with questionable ethics. Sure, his credentials are somewhat boast-worthy in that he has authored a book on the subject matter regarding his expertise in the un-brainwashing of cult victims as manipulated prey. Still, the pitiful Roth is in a precarious pickle and the only way he can redeem his dire circumstances is return to what he does best regarding his trade as a renowned psychologist. Thankfully, Roth does get that golden opportunity when an older middle-aged couple requests his services in retrieving their jeopardised daughter Claire (Mary Elizabeth Winstead, ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. The World’) from the cult faction known as Faults.

For the concerned parents of the missing Claire, there is a remote sense of hope for Roth to reclaim his own disruptive existence. After all, the hapless soul needs something to overcome his personalised demons. Unfortunately, Roth fell into a tailspin in the aftermath of a former patient’s suicide during his deprogramming watch. So now this justified Roth’s jerk-like tendencies and pauper way of living. The recounting of Roth’s sad ‘way of life’ includes living out of his broken-down vehicle, mooching breakfast from an already used food voucher at a cheap motel restaurant or forcing his book on disinterested parties at scarcely attended hotel seminars. With eating packets of ketchup as a substitute meal or getting a beating at one of his hosted sessions, it appears that Ansel Roth cannot get a decent break.

Naturally, coming to the aid of the abducted Claire on behalf of her worried folks is a golden given for the weasel Roth. He can both exploit the couple’s emotional emergency for financial gain and embrace a semblance of redemption and legitimacy as the prominent professional mind-bending problem solver he once was revered in his field. Besides, his paid assignment to rescue the imperiled Claire depends on his own mortality. It is revealed that Roth owes some serious loot to his ex-manager (Jon Gries from ‘Taken’ and ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ fame) and in the process has to avoid the shakedown from one of his enforcing goons (Lance Riddick) looking to collect big time.

The notable revelation in ‘Faults’ stems from the complicated consciousness of both Orser and Winstead as the tandem trapped in an anguished grip of psychological hostility. Orser’s Ansel Roth is the broken man at the helm of self-destruction and despair. Stearns’s ironic presentation of a psyche ‘fixer’ that requires his own brand of mental repairing is oddly compelling and comical in off-kilter fashion. Orser conveys Roth as a walking disaster area whose arrogance and misguided morality shrewdly begs for some sense of sympathy and remorse. He is the main key to the orchestrated mind-numbing madness that Stearns injects into this crafty, cockeyed caper. Winstead’s Claire is transfixing as the brainwashed beauty battling the scars of bleakness. She is convincingly haunting despite her sorority girl freshness look. The supporting players in the aforementioned Gries and Riddick as well as other participants in Stearns’s concentrated center of creepiness skillfully balance the wickedness and wit felt so piercingly realized.

‘Faults’ is a resourceful black comedy that works effectively and never strays away from its pedigree of outrageous misfortune. This is one psychological character study that demonstrates its motivation for unconventional strife with devilish conviction. The inspired insane-induced performances from the film’s detached duo of Orser’s Dr. Ansel Roth and Winstead’s Claire is proof enough to not find any ounce of perceived Faults with Stearns’s risque roller-coaster on-screen examination of violated distraught boundaries.

Faults (2014)

Screen Media Films

1 hr. 30 mins.

Starring: Leland Orser, Mary Elzabeth Winstead, Jon Gries, Lance Riddick, Chris Ellis and Beth Grant

Written and Directed by: Riley Stearns

MPAA Rating: NR

Genre: Psychological Drama/Cults and Deprogramming Caper

Critic’s rating: *** stars (out of 4 stars)
> What we're, won't be the same at the end of the level.

The film had more hidden facts than one gets in his casual viewing. If you were really focused, you would start to dig for some answers. The opening of the film was very smooth in a comedic sense. But that's not how the entire film going to be. When the story's purpose begins to roll, with an unexpected event the narration moves to a single location for almost the rest of the film with the limited cast. So it is where our guessing game commence.

I must agree the writing was a bit cleverer than I projected. The film characters were not so complicated, but towards the end it looked like unavoidably becomes that way. At first, it promises to be a good entertainer and then turns to be smarter with the story development, but in a low key. The film does not say anything about its timeline, but seems it was in the 70s that inspired by the real deprogramming.

I did not get the last 10-15 minutes of the film, but you know by guessing and visiting various film discussion forums on the net about what others thought about it gave more perspectives. But we still won't reach anywhere near what the writer intended to tell all of us. Compared to the opening, the end was totally a different contrast. In fact feels turned to be another genre and theme. So you would end watching it with the possibilities of like this and that. That means not all the viewers end up happy for what they just saw. Definitely it is for a certain kind of people, including for those has no intention of any expectations from the film.


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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Escape Room 2019 Teljes Online

February 24, 2019 0 Comments

Escape Room 2019 Teljes Online

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Escape Room

könyv címe

Escape Room 2019


113 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel




M4V 720p


Thriller, Action, Mystery




Delors, Ponce R. Allaire, Bowman O. Maeline

Escape Room 2019 Teljes Online


Coordination art Department : Jatin Ambur

Stunt coordinator : Dagron Perseus

Script layout :Gauge Abella

Pictures : Maely Rosheen
Co-Produzent : Delvin Odin

Executive producer : Mathot Aileen

Director of supervisory art : Ilyès Aiyaz

Produce : Meryem Mareva

Manufacturer : Jaxon Anais

Actress : Radman Bogart

Six strangers find themselves in circumstances beyond their control, and must use their wits to survive.


Film kurz

Spent : $839,323,364

Revenue : $901,493,551

category : Bögen En Ciel - Einfach , Dramatischer Dokumentarfilm - Hilarious , Philosophie - Freiheit , Flucht - Spionage

Production Country : Guyana

Production : WickMedia

Escape Room 2019 Teljes Online

Escape Room"

Escape Room film letöltés

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